Opportunities to join the Ryan Lab

Funding is always a limiting factor for opportunities in the Ryan Laboratory. If you are interested in joining, send E-Mail to joseph.ryan@whitney.ufl.edu with a CV and a brief summary of experience/skills and how your research interests align with those of the Ryan Lab.

If you are interested in applying for external funding to join the lab, please E-Mail joseph.ryan@whitney.ufl.edu. I am happy to offer feedback on proposal ideas. Johns Hopkins University maintains an excellent list of Graduate Student Funding Opportunities and Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities.


I try to maintain 1 UF undergraduate in the laboratory throughout the year (usually a remote position). If you are interested in conducting undergraduate research in the Ryan Laboratory, send E-Mail to joseph.ryan@whitney.ufl.edu with a CV and a brief summary of experience/skills and how your research interests align with those of the Ryan Lab.

Ph.D. Students

If you are interested in doing a Ph.D. in the Ryan Laboratory, send E-Mail to joseph.ryan@whitney.ufl.edu with a CV and a brief summary of experience/skills and how your research interests align with those of the Ryan Lab.

Ph.D. students can be admitted through UF Biology or the Genetics Institute. A major difference between the two is that Genetics Institute includes rotations and biology does not.


If you are interested in doing a postdoc in the Ryan Laboratory, send E-Mail to joseph.ryan@whitney.ufl.edu with a CV and a brief summary of experience/skills and how your research interests align with those of the Ryan Lab.

Visiting Faculty

We have excellent housing on campus at Whitney Lab and have had several faculty come for extended periods to do collaborative research in the Ryan Laboratory. These visits have been very successful (leading to multiple papers and collaborative funding) and fun for all involved. If you are interested in discussing potential visits, please get in touch.